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Best 12-16 inputs (preamps) for a certain budget

Hello, I'm looking for the best quality deal 12 to 16 inputs preamps or preamps combination for 2000 - 2500$ (for studio recording). For now, I've only spotted the StudioLive 16.4.2 from PreSonus...

Any ideas?

A combination of Apogee's Ensemble and Focusrite or SSL would exceed 3500 and 4000

Thank you!


Which is worse: Gain set too high or too low?

I heard that its better to carve a strong/ louder sound than it is to boost a weaker sound--(i know i'm probly not using the technical terms correctly but I think you get what I'm trying to say)

Because of this, I would think that having gain a little too high is better than too low? :cool:


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