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Best Stereo Pair for Recording Street Musician

Hi, I'm new here and come form the visual world so Audio is not my forte, but I find it facinating. I need to shoot street musicians with a small crew and am wondering what mics you would suggest? I'm thinking cardioid pattern mics in a stereo (I think they call it XY) type set up.

Another question mixer related

As I have stated, I am a noob just trying to learn in a controlled area..

Are there mixers that allow you to have a different output for multiple inputs.
Or is there a way to get this to work?

I would really like to be able to control the levels for multiple outputs from one location so it is easier to adjust.

Thanks for any info on this.

24bit/192khz Line-in Recording: Portable Recorder or Laptop + Creative Sound Blaster

Hi! I am interested in doing line-in recordings and I need something portable. After realising that my laptop (using Realtek ALC892) could do only 16bit/192khz recordings, I decided to research more and had the following options.

Recording Bass Guitar - odd tonal disparity

I am setting up to record a bass guitar track and working with the eq. This bass - which admittedly isn't THE greatest bass - has an odd tone thing happening. Any note I play anywhere on the neck has this great punchy clarity to it EXCEPT for any A note - especially open A and the A on the 7th fret of the d-string.

New Pair of Main Monitors in the $700 Price Range

Hi everyone, needs some help choosing my next pair of studio monitors, these will be my main monitors.

The Room is 19X15, bass traps in every corner from floor to ceiling, wood floors, the entire ceiling has floating fire-bat clouds and absorption on the walls.
Needless to say, the room is very quiet and doesn't exaggerate any low end or high-endfrequencies.

using two different guitars for the same purpose

Hello, I am sorry this may sound like a crazy question, I have no experiencia and I found myself in a critical situation

I am financing recording of a solo flamenco guitar album. The guitarrist is really good but he is going through serious health problems and I am starting to think he is not going to be able to finish the recording.