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Help with MOTU 2408 and ADAT lightpipe

I have a MOTU 2408 Mark 1 and 2-ADAT blackface and 2-ADAT XT-20s. I am trying to get the Adats into my computer but I can't seem to find a way to get Cubase or Reaper to see the optical inputs. I also don't have a manual for the 2408 and have not had any success locating one via google, yahoo, etc. Can anyone help me to get my ADAT tracks into my computer digitally?

general listening monitors.

Hey guys. I'm new here. I have just started with video editing, but I also am getting into some music creation. So, I need these to have a semi-wide range of uses. My budget is $500 for a pair, and I need them to be Active powered. I really have no preferences, because I am new to this stuff, and I don't really know much about it. now pocketing MORE than 55% off indie CD's!

Anyone who sells CD's via Amazon's Advantage program knows that Amazon pockets an EXCESSIVE 55% of the list price. You get to set the list price and they pay you 45%. Well now it's gotten WORSE! They've started charging customers MORE than list price. Two of my CD's are set to $8.99 list price but sneaky Amazon is charging $9.45 and $10.67!

How to make the sound effect from the beginning of "Bad Stone" by The Crystal Method?

I am trying to make the same sound that is being echoed and repeated in the beginning of the song "Bad Stone" Here is the link to it:
How do I make this?

I am using Ableton Live 8, and I have NI Massive plugin as a synth.



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