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Royer R-121 on guitars

The API 512c gave me a knew appreciation for the sm57. I've been pretty well been using this combination for the last couple years exclusively. As I recording some guitar solo's with an es 335->mesa single rec I was finding the tone just to fizzy. Eq would basically get me where I need to go but I wanted to get the tone from the get go. The winner was a KM84 -> shadowhills.

Probably a no brainer, ADAT Q. in PT

Trying to set up an Octopre MKII today, problem is in the PT Hardware menu doesn't have the ADAT option under "Optical Format". It has "none" and spdif. Does anyone know why this is missing? I've searched the Duc (I don't know why I still do that), Google, and this forum, nothing yet. Any info or redirection to a useful thread would be great, thanks guys!

I need your opinion!

Good day fellas, I recorded a short melody with my cello and guitar. I would love for you to check it out and give me your opinion on it. This is a work in progress and I wanted to see how I am doing so far. Please give me a constructive criticism - one that I can learn, and build up from. I also am aware that I am not good at the guitar, cello is my main instrument.

Source of pops, clicks? Driving me mad!

Hi: New to the home recording studio setup. Need some tech advice. RODE NT1000 into Blue Icicle, into Macbook Pro, using Audacity to TRY to record. I am getting loud clicks intermittently, with no distinct pattern. I even disconnected the power cord to eliminate electrical interference as a source. Any suggestions?

Assistannce with the chain of devices in a recording studio

Assistance with the chain of devices in a recording studio

I am considering revamping my recording studio and need some assistance with the chain of devices used in a quality recording environment.

microphone --> preamp(s) --> A/D --> Computer --> D/A --> Monitors

BIG--> Why do MAC's tend to have less issues than PC's ?

I have been doing more research on the laptop I want to buy for my home studio. I originally was looking at a PC because I am accustomed to them. I was probably going to buy a decked out Asus or Toshiba. After looking more thoroughly, custom computers like Rain, ADK, and PCaudiolabs seem to be the way to go and a Macbook Pro is even better.


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