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Shopping for nearfields

Yesterday (Friday) I stopped by my neighborhood Guitar Center to shop their selection of nearfield monitors. I listened to KRKs, Yamahas, Mackie, M-Audio and Tannoy. Nothing sounded particularly good and it wasn't until after I left that it dawned on me they were playing everything out of iTunes on a Mac, hence COMPRESSED FILES! What's with that?

BLA Auteur vs Sytek MPX4 vs DAV-BG-1 preamps

Hi guys,

Hesitant to ask yet another preamp question for those who are sick of them...

I'm not a gear junkie, but I don't want to be limited by my gear either. I'm looking at these preamps because I'm hearing/reading good things about them. And in fact, in the case of the Auteur by Black Lion Audio I've still never ever heard anything less than stellar about it.


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