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Tempo Question

Probably a dumb question, but I'm doing scratch tracks to send to my drummer so that he has something to play to in the studio. The bandmates found the tempo for an uptempo song to be at 104 whereas I'm clocking it at around 200 here at home.

I think they were counting 1 (click click click) 2 (click click click) 3 (click clickk click) 4 (click click click)

Searching For Post On Analysis Of Various Drum MIDI Grooves


There was an absolutely -fantastic- post here a while back that I cannot now find. It was an attempt to analyze the MIDI timing of various styles of drum grooves. It showed specific examples of where one ought to place kick/snare/hat ahead or behind beat to create many popular feels.

Can someone give me a link to this?



Noisy Fender Supersonic

I recently purchased a Fender Supersonic head. I know valve amps are noisier than solid state but the clean channel on the amp, especially the Bassman setting has lots of background hiss. Even with no guitar plugged in and the volume completely off, there is a hiss that is very loud. The lead channel is fine and I have checked cables, different speakers, different wall socket, etc.

Cubase 5 Problems with Windows 7 Please Advise

Hello there,

I recently have gotten a new computer and it has been a nightmare trying to get things working. I have had it for about a month and have yet to record a single track because nothing is working properly. I will try to be as detailed as possible and hopefully can find solutions.

The comp specs are:

Brand: Dell Studio XPS