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SO Many Level Adjustments. .

I get a nice, clean, full undistorted tone, but I always wonder if I'm doing things in the optimum way, there are SO many level adjustments...
I use an old Tascam M35 mixer(8x4x2) into an M audio 1010lt soundcard into Cakewalk Sonar 7 Producers Edition.
The direct out on each channel of the mixing board goes into an individual input of the 1010lt.

Question for Remy

Hey Remy,

Once upon a time I ran across a post from you about mixing drums. All I remember was you talking about inverting the Kick drum signal. I think you also said to invert the overheads? I can't find the post anymore and I was hoping you could either find that post or re-explain your process again.

Lost in Phase
Ken - Tukar Studio