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Live panel discussion recording... hardware recomendation?

I will be regularly recording a panel discussion of 4 to 6 people (TV news panel style, but audio only). It will be a discussion / study group.

The people discussing will probably all have laptops that they are actively using, and some will have books / papers / notebooks etc actively being consulted, etc.

Mixer Recommendations...

I Am Putting A Home Studio 2gether...I Have Pro Tools 7,An M-Audio Solaris Mic, An Oxygen 8 v2 MIDI Controller,A Fast Track Pro Interface, And Plan On Getting An iMac Strictly 4 Recording, What Type Of Mixer Would U Recommend That I Purchase? I Am Going 2 Be Sounding-Proofing A Closet Out & Recording...I Am An Electro/Acoustic/Indie/Hip Hop Artist By The Way.