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Poll: Do you mix with a mouse or control surface

I made a guess in another thread that most people with "low cost" studios mixed with a mouse and automation rather than using some sort of control surface. Thought I would run a poll and see the reaction. Picked $50,000 for the "low cost" cutoff. Figured that would cover a lot of us.

Me, I'm 100% with a mouse.

Lucious, Rich, Decadent...I'm talking about Verb! Perv.

Ok, so I've got this (what I consider to be) great sounding synth sample playing and I want to give it some 'verb...well, a lot of verb.

I'm really aiming for this sort of "Coldplay" verb that's just really lush and all over the place. The space needs to be big, but the decay needs to be low enough that the melody doesn't get lost. You know?

Recording Bass with what I got. (Quick Question)

When I tracked guitar with my band 2 weeks ago I used an sm57 & Behringer C-4. which surprisingly sounded pretty good. I was just going to use the same setup to record bass.

But I also have an Electro-Voice EL33 and an Apex 120. Would it be better to replace the sm57 with one of those?


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