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Getting analog audio to computer to show digitally in logic.

we have 2 Yamaha 02r's linked,48 channels of analog (mainly used as a big keyboard sub mixer). we want to get that audio into the mac so we can see it digitally in logic.
also,we have an old pro tools system in this mac and don't want to get rid of it just yet. how do we get the analog data into the mac so it shows up in our daw cheaply? all good advice is welcomed.

Sound delays (latency) with midi interfaces

Hello everyone,
i have a midi keyboard, the M audio keystation 49e. I'm using it with Cubase SX on a vista computer. the keystation is working, but there is a realy bad delay on the notesreaching the computer, making it nearly impossible to record along with music on the keystation. does anyone know how i can deal with this latency problem? help would be much apprecitated,

M260 Preamp - Live in Bum @#$% Egypt

I'm looking for a low cost premp to drive my Beyer M260 this is a bit above what I would like to pay but looks very interesting. I live so far off the beaten path I can't try stuff out which sucks. Any other suggestions? Are the PreSonus BlueTube DP Stereo Dual Path Microphone/Instrument Preamp With 12AX7 Tube I like the price break.

Outboard Compressor Decision - Hmmmmm

Hi there

I've decided to opt for some outboard compression/limiting. This is due to the odd nasty spike I've gotten here and there on occasion (not that much might I add). However, this has occured on good vocal or guitar takes. As you can imagine, this has been pretty much unresolvablle after the fact leading to fresh takes being required.

Line/Summing Mixer ideas (Speck v. Dangerous)

Hey guys -

I'm in the market for a line/summing mixer so that, while I'm doing location recordings, I can take 2 feeds from the pre - 1 going into the DAW discretely, the other set going to a summing box, into a nice AD and then into a 2 track recorder (for both back up or straight-to-2-track mixing).

Interfacing problem with MOTIF XS(Yamaha Synthesiser)

I am using Audiophile Delta 2496 only which supports MIDI and Analog jacks.
How will be performance of USB interface when compared to MIDI and also in consideration of quality and effect wise. PLease help.
Can i plugin the USB cable from the XS to my system?. IN that case what will be the job of the 2496?.

Chandler Limited TG-2 vs. TG Channel MKII

I'm looking for some advise about a couple of upcoming purchases. I need a Preamp with DI, 2 channels would be nice for stereo applications, but this is where I get stuck. The Chandler Limited TG-2 vs TG Channel MKII. Is the Eq on the TG MKII worth trading the second channel on the TG-2 for? I could go for the TG-2 and use the 32-channel Focusrite Liquid Mix for Eq and compression.