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from aux out to headphone ?

I dont think it's a good idea to plug a set of headphones directly into an Aux output on my mixer. er, i dont know if it's a good idea; but i dont want to learn the hard way.

Is it safe to plus a pair of stereo headphones into an Aux out? i believe the out is stereo, but what if it's mono?

do i need some sort of adapter or something?

graphiq eq in insert

hey guys,
i was looking to add a stereo eq to my fp10 and put it in the send/return for channel 1 and 2. i could only find a single channel parametric eq but lots or graphic eqs. so i was wonndering would a graphic eq be ok, such as a dbx 215. i know its used mostly between the speakers and power amp, would the levels be ok to use in the send and return in the fp10

Bought a package off Ebay, need help

I bought a MobilePreUSB preamp off ebay and it came with Live Lite 4 as well as a demo version of Cool Edit Pro. If anyone remembers my post in the budget forum, I'm just starting out, trying to record my friend's small band's first album so it doesn't have to be anything spectacular. Is Live Lite 4 good enough for what I want to do?