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vocal sound


Hi all,

wondering if anyone has any tips on vox sound. I am happy with the clarity i am getting but it lacks a little depth and thickness.
I know a lot of people say double track the vox but what if the vocalist aint good at double tracking?



Noise Gates on Compressed Vocals


I am in the middle of mixing a recording session and have a vocal track that is good and I have added some compression on the track. The singer lets out a couple of heavy breaths and also is stomping a bit on the floor with his foot through out the track, needless to say when I compress for the vocal sound I want these levels are brought up. This is only real noticable when the track is solo.

Airy backing vocals


Hi people,
hope this question is not off topic here. In case let me know.

I'm learning to mix trying to mix some Shania Twain like country-pop music and I'm trying to obtain some background vocals like the ones by Robert "Mutt" Lange.
The ones in "Hysteria" by Def Leppard or a song of your choice in Shania's "Up!" european version are good examples.

my vocals suck


my vocals stand out too much. when i turn the volume down on them they get lost in the music, mostly the guitar, but when i turn them up just enough that it is decernable what is being said i lose the full effect of the guitar. i'm sure it's probably an eq thing or something else...

so here's the thing i want to hear the guitar, but i want to hear the vocals...

Vocal treatment


Can anyone please give me some other tips on what I do with the vocal track(s) in my mix to make them sound better?

What I do at the moment is use 2:1 compression, plate reverb, very little eq and that is basically it. My vocals end up sounding okay but against the rest of the music sounds a bit 'too honest' and unprofessional.


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