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Your advice on the latest Laptop Hardrives for recording


So I decided to stick with this Toshiba M305D-S4830 for my budget recording rig to go with my 16 channel Mackie 1640 and use the firewire setup to record band gigs of around 8-12 channels at any one time. Hopefully it's not going to be a mistake to jump into the realm of Vista 64 bit, I plan on using Cubase but am not tied down by it (if anyone has a better idea I'm all ears).

Recording advice for upcoming live performance

I will be recording an unusual music group in a couple weeks and wanted to get opinions and advice on a mic setup. I will have access to 8 precision mic preamps going optical into a digi002. I will also have access to various high quality microphones from the university's recording studio.


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