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Turning my basement in to a studio - need advice.

Hello guys, it's my first post here! I have a question.
I have a basement that I'm putting new drywall into, and I'm turning into a studio. Now, what should I buy to go along with it?
I've got:

A computer, and Cubase to go with it.

MXL 990 Microphone

Guitar rig 2 for guitars and bass

Drum Set

Need some advice for mixing for in-ear monitors

Hello everyone. I've got a gig coming up where I'll be monitor mixing for a band I've never heard before. Well actually me and my crew are running sound for a festival but the headliner insists on bringing their own console(instead of using our Midas Verona 56ch) along with their own FOH guy. So we're suppose to run their monitor mix.

Need Drum Recording / Room Treatment Advice

I recently purchased two AT3035's to mic drums and vocals mainly. I also have two sm57's. What would be the best way to distribute these mics over the kit. i was thinking of using the 57's as overheads... one at3035 on the kick and one on the snare? obviously the at3035's would be better overheads. :evil:


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