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Case advice needed

I'm putting together a system for a friend and I am using DAvid French's budget DAW as a model (see below). At Davis's suggestion I am asking if there is another case that folks would recommend that might work better than the Nexus Breeze in terms of both cooling and noise. I am looking to spend no more than the cost of the nexus if possible. My total budget is around $800.

Noob needs advice

I'm a complete noob, so I'm sorry if I'm asking some stupid questions here.

- I want to direct record guitar from a line 6 pod, straight into my soundcard, and create some basic drum tracks using a midi editor (rather than via a keyboard, so don't necessarily need midi ins/outs)

- I have a pretty limited budget, and want to keep things as simple as possible

Need advice on picking up the right set of SE mics...


I have the chance of getting any of the SE mics at very good prices, so I thoughא of having a combination of a few mics which will be used all over for recording acoustic guitars and electric guitars (my main amp is a Twin), piano, vocals and drums. What would be the right set to get out of these options -

professional distorted guitar Micing advice needed!


The music I am recording is Heavy Metal. I have been preparing to record guitar tracks for my bands CD. I'm playing a Marshall stack through a AVT150 Head. The order or setup is:

Guitar-Pedals-StageworksEQ-MarshallHead-Alesis3630Compressor to SM57 "flat" towards the angle of the cone which goes into an ART DPS II Stereo Tube Preamp which than goes into a Yamaha AW1600.