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New to the forums, need help/advice for recording live show.

I've been through these forums for a few weeks now, and i've finally registered in hopes that i could get some advice from some people about recording a live show. I have a basement studio in my house that i have been recording bands in for quite some time now, and i was interested in recording a show with my equipment, which i am this coming weekend.

guitar center's mic advice?


Hi, I am in the proccess of picking a good general mic for mainly vocals and some hand drums/djembe recording. I called guitar center and they were very quick to recommend the gt55 mic. I went to research the mic on the internet and found the guitar center name was in many of the same searches as "gt55". Then I find the mic is exclusively sold thru guitar center.

Need advice in buying excellent sound system for large hall

Hi there,
I am trying to buy an excellent sound system for a dance hall
of about 300 sq meters (3200 sq. feet). First I thought that I would get 4
speakers because it really takes 4 speakers to fill a space that large but
then I was thinking that it might be nice to only have 2 speakers (and a

Seeking advice on a new system


It's my first time posting here. I hope I got into the right forum and I'd really appreciate any insight I could get. Four years ago I bought a DAW from an English firm and I've regreted it off and on since then for reasons I won't go into since it's not pertinent to now.

I don't have the speed and crunching power that I wanted and it's time to build a new computer.

Equipment Advice for new portable tracking rig...

Hey guys,

This is my first post on your fine forum. I must confess i only discovered it a few days ago but was impressed with the community here in terms of knowledge, but primarily in experience.

Im not sure eexactly which forum to put this post in (it seems to fit the bill for a few) - so mods, please move it if you think it belongs elsewhere.

choice of songs for accapella, i need advice!

hello guys!

if you have to sing accapella (without music), what type of song should you choose? slow, fast. etc?

one more question, why do the musicians want new singers to perform accapella? to listen to the singers' voice quality and vocal techniques?

if so, should i choose a song that is slow with great vocal preformance?

Advice Needed - Put Vocals 2 Music


Hi guys and gals,

I have a music track and want to record vox to it so that immediately after recording, when the Playback button is pressed, there's only a vocal track played. What I want to hear in that playback is vocal track already mixed with music. I have WaveLab installed, but not sure if it can provide us with such a thing.


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