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Need advice on quick editing tool for mac

Hey guys, how u doin`? I`ve been working since last month, with Mayor elections around here. I edit and make the sound design for a specific candidate, and it`s all going to TV etc.

Since I record mainly bands, I use PT9, which is wonderful for my music recording needs. However, I see it doesn`t work for fast broadcast editing.

Need some advice to get started with recording my on music :)

Hey I'm Matthew,
I wanna start recording my own music but i want to make ALL of it my own.
Now i have an interesting idea here so bear with me lol.
I found a cheap lil piece of recording equipment and i'll add the link or pic of it once ive typed all this.
This is a Guitar USB chord. 

Getting ready to revamp, could use some advice

Currently I have the PreSonus Firestudio 26x26 as my audio interface connected to a 2009 Mac 2.1 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM running 10.6.8. I have not purchased a full version of any sequencer but have been playing around with Cubase, Sonar, and Reaper. I strictly use the preamps on the Firestudio and have a very small but decent collection of mics.