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A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.

Newbie seeks help with DAW: Revisiting Nforce4 w/ PCIe


I am new to this forum, and new to home recording as well. Right now I am trying to come up with a game plan to build a DAW, preferably with an

AMD 64 x2 3800+
Gigabyte GA-K8N Ultra-9 motherboard (with Nforce4 Utra chipset).

Are any of you guys using this hardware with any luck?

Slick production with that Radio sheen at my DAW

Guys.. (I know this answer is dependant somewhat on my gear.. sound card and mic etc) but if I am using Cubase SE along with Adobe Audition, plus the Waves Platinum bundle as well as a host of other plugins, if I knew really how to use compression and could EQ properly and fully understood mixing..