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Norway is first country to turn off FM radio and go digital-only

By Timothy Revell

Norway will be the first country to start turning off FM radio. Over the course of 2017, the FM radio network will slowly be switched off, with listeners only able to listen to digital programmes instead.

The northern county of Nordland will cease to broadcast FM radio from tomorrow, with other regions following suit throughout the year.

Audio card INPUTS : Which is better? 1/4" TRS and TS or SPDIF (coax digital)

Which do you think is better for audio card INPUTS (not outputs):

1/4" TRS and TS
SPDIF (coax digital)

1. The balanced input jack on the audio card is rated at being 104 to around 107 dBA SNR.

2. We all know the SPDIF input is basically digital 1's and 0's.

Routing analog & digital audio between two DAWS

Hey all,

I'm doing the planning for my new system.
I have magix Samplitude pro x, and I'm considering Pro Tools HD12.

Magix would be the main capture/compose/edit system due to high track count and clean coding.

PTHD would be primarily for mixing (mainly volumes and panning). Since it does 10 video tracks and 7.1 it's the unfortunate (expensive) choice.