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snare drum troubles.(overheads make up for bad snare sound?)

it seems the majority of my snare recordings are junk. heh. ive been recording the same snare for the past 3 years, well the same kit for that matter... just got new cymbals last year though.. but anyways.. its a 14 x 6.5 ludwig supraphonic. it sounds real awesome live, and ive spent lots of time tuning, and always upkeep on that stuff... so i know it sounds good in person at least.

Picture request: RecorderMan drum OHs setup

I can't quite make the "RecorderMan" overheads setup for drums (Glyn Johns-inspired modified spaced pair) react like it's supposed to. I've seen lots of pictures on the web and the now-famous YouTube video, but nothing very detailed. If anyone who's had success with this setup could take pictures, or has pictures they'd like to post, I'd appreciate seeing them.

drum software

I've never used any type of drum software before and was wondering how realistic is it, and is it easy to use? (I've never really used midi before either). I've read some reviews on ez drummer, drumcore, and bfd and am not yet sure what I'd be getting into. I just don't want to waste money on something I may not use. If it helps, the music I do ranges from mellow acoustic to hard rock.

Problems With Recording Midi From My Drum Module!

I dont know what to do?
When i'm recording my drums,i record also the midi,and i have a problem with latency!
I have my Ddrum 4 hoocket up with my EMU card through midi in and the latency is set to minimum 2ms and when i list it on the monitors there is no latency,but when i record the signal it records almost with a whole second of latency or something like that:0

Drum heads

I plan on tracking drums soon and I was wondering what people like for drum heads. I've got Evans G2 Coated on my toms and snare. for my kick I'm using an Aquarian Super Kick II for my beater side and a Remo Weatherking Coated Amb.

How will my kick sound change if I take off the resonant side head off?


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