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Drum Tattoo Ideas

Hey All, I know this isn't exatly on topic with drumming but I'm Hoping to get a Tattoo soon and I was thinking of getting John Bonham's Symbol from Led Zeppelin IV, for the reason that I'm born on the same day as him and I love his Drumming style and the work he did with Zep..

But i was wondering If you guys have any other good Ideas I should consider getting.

Hum-Drum Help

Greetings. I will be attempting to record a drum set for the first time ever, Monday, and was wondering if anyone would be willing to offer up any advice on getting a decent sound with what I have available. I know the kit is made by Tama and sounds pretty good live. He also has an assortment of Zildjian cymbals. I'm looking for a starting point as far as mic placement goes.

Help me set up my Drum recording chain etc..

Preramble: I have been primarily using drum samples in my recordings and am looking to make the next big step to recording a full acoustic set. I currently have a home studio located where else, the basement, and have quickly figured out that a dead room isn’t always ideal, especially when it comes to drums.