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IEEE 1394 is an interface standard for a serial bus for high-speed communications and isochronous real-time data transfer. It was developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s by Apple in cooperation with a number of companies, primarily Sony and Panasonic. Apple called the interface FireWire.

SX2 and M-Audio FW 410. Can i record line in with fx?

Atm i'm using Cubase SX2 and a M-Audio FW 410.
The thing is, i have a roland jd-800 connected to the 410's line input. In SX2's mixer i can put an insert (e.g. compressor) on the line input but it doesn't work. No effect no matter what works. Not even the channel's EQ.
It seems Cubase doesn't do any effect on the line input. Is this correct?