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fatten up a metal guitar

Does anyone any EQ settings to fatten up a metal guitar sound? I'm looking for that really meaty palm-muted Messugah style sound. I realise that its mostly down to the guitar and amp.

I'm using the simulanalog guitar plugins and to me they sound pretty good. I use the Tube Screamer in front of JCM900. I turn the mids up and not scoop them and it's quite a decent fat tone.

Any ideas of how to fix the black hole guitar?

My friend and I are mixing a project right now and we're running into what we're referring to as the "black hole guitar."

Specifically, we can get the drums/bass/vocals mixed together and sounding fantastic, but as soon as we add the guitar and it gets to the right volume level in the mix it's eating everything else!

soil/sevendust guitar sound

I know I'm dreamin but here goes -

JOHHNY K or anyone involved with the making of SOILS REDEFINE or SCARS
album in GROOVEMASTER STUDIOS Chicago, IL can you help us?

Although we can get many great heavy guitar sounds (which we should be
happy with) We are trying to get that particular guitar sound recorded
and cannot figure it out.