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Final Mastering through Dual Zeon Processor PC

I need your feed back on an issue I am not very familiar with. I own a Computer Graphics Company (been around for over 12 years) and not a Novice, and do a lot of Recording of my Gospel Music at a friend of mines studio. He has one of the most powerful studios I have ever been in with two Yamaha 16 track Didigal Boards and a Rack full of enhansment and Editing tools.

Loud masters

Hi, I was wondering what you all thought, I personally like to make my masters at a certain level, not as loud as many albums have been mastered lately, because I like to keep the dynamics intact, so I take the master mix to aproximately -10dB RMS, but this is kinda quiet compared to some of the newest rock albums in which most songs are taken to levels that can reach -5dB RMS, of course dynami

Anyone affiliated with a Mastering Studio?

I just have a few questions.

*Signal processors. When you receive someone's mix, how do you feed it back into the DAW? Do you go through a set number of compressors or EQ's first before you processes it internally or what? Where does the audio start from, from a CD source or from the harddrive? Then comes the editing, explain please.

Mac mastering software

Just wondering if you guys mught have any suggestions for editing/mastering software for the Mac platform. I'm running Logic and am a bit frustrated by it's editing capabilites (or lack thereof). I really don't need "mastering" software, per se, as I'm going to be outsourcing my final mixes to someone more qualified, but I'd like the option to tweak my mixes beyond what Logic offers.


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