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Hooking up MIDI into my pc with my Digi 001

Alright, here's my problem. I can't get my drum machine into Pro Tools via the Digi 001. I have no idea what the problem is. I have the out of the drum machine to the in of the 001, and vice versa, but nothing is happening. The drum machine is a Alesis SR-16 (if that matters). Can someone please help me with what I need to do to get my MIDI to work in Pro Tools, with my PC? Thanks.

Cubase sx 1.6 midi event masking

Hopefully someone can tell me why Steinberg does not give support to its registered users.They just don't give a sh.. .I asked several times for help giving them my serialnumber and e-mail but no answer.Anyway, my midi event masking function does not work and I do not know why. All the software is legit and registered.Please help?

Can't get the MTP A/V to distribute midi clock/sync.

Has anyone experienced this before using a MOTU MTP? I have no problems w/ midi data, just the midi clock distribution. So for the time being, I've substituted using the midi I/O from my Layla card. Ended up having to daisy chain everything that uses midi clock, which was no problem. Has anyone run into this senario yet? :?

MacOSX, MIDI, and the Tascam FW-1884

I just got the Tascam FW-1884 last week. I hooked it up to my computer. I use Digital Performer (version 4.12) with it. Previously, I had a M-Audio Midiman 4x4 that did my MIDI. The computer is a digital audio G4 with 2x533Mhz proc's and 1.1 GB of RAM. It has MacOS X.3, but was upgraded from X.2. (X.2 was a fresh install however)