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Midi problem: E-Mu 1212, Cakewalk Homestudio Alesis SR16

okay, not really one problem. I'm just completely lost. The gist, however, is this:

I want to record my SR16 in cakewalk. I want the tempo to be the same in the software and in the SR16. I don't seem to be able to get cakewalk to tell the sr16 the exact tempo (don't know the technical term). If I just set the two to the same BPM setting, the tempos are slightly off.

MIDI problem.

I've been using my current set up for about 2 1/2 years no problem. Today went to record some vsti's...strange thing happened. .In nuendo while playing my part on the midi controller it would intermittently change programs. I recorded a couple bars in nuendo and pulled up the key editor. I looked to see and it did record program change information on a continus bases.

Latency; Pro Tools/MIDI

Hey guys, I'm having trouble recording with MIDI in Pro Tools(not only midi but mostly) When recording audio from a MIDI recording there is a latency of about, well it depends... I move the buffer size around from 1024/512 to 128, sometimes to 64. but as the session gets bigger, it gets to be a problem.
Is there any way of changing this without the hassle?
