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Allen & Heath GS3 16:8:2 Mixer - Preamps Quality?


First post. I hope I can contribute a bit as time goes by as well as picking brains here!

Does anyone have a view on the quality of this mixer's preamps? It's about 10 years old and no longer manufactured. I got a view over at that Allen & Heath mixers are generally well regarded but nothing specific on the preamps.

Mixers for Cool Edit Pro

I would like a 24 + track mixer. i know u think i don't need all of that but i want a big mixing board. so please don't tell me to just buy an 8 track mixing board. but i've read that Cool edit pro is only complatiable with 8track mixing boards. is that true? but look, all i want to know is what mixing boards are compatible and what all i need to buy.


Okay, so I have about 300-500 dollars maybe a little more, and i'm fine with new or used equipment. I need at least 4 channels of simultaneous recording at 24/96khz, more if possible. Right now I have a Sound Blaster Audigy that sucks, and i borrow a Mackie mixer when i need to record more than 2 mics at a time(drums), and I have an m-audio dmp3 preamp.