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Good 24 track mixer suggestions

I'm looking for a decent analog 24 track mixer to hook to my MOTU 24io. I'm using it in conjunction with Cubase sx to do small projects, but I'd like the ability to use all 24 tracks eventually. I've heard Tascam makes a good 24 track board (m2600, m3500, m3700?), and I know the 24 track Soundcraft Ghost is pretty nice. I wanted to try to keep it below $2000, though.

Trying to find a 10-16 channel mixer with a good Eq section

I am currently trying to find a good 10-12 channel console with a good EQ section. I currently have a Peavey VMP-2 preamp, an otari 1/2" 8 track reel to reel, Shure Sm7, Sm 57(3), AT 4033, and EV686. I am looking to do some demos as well as little projects with friends.

Mixer suggestions.

Hi folks. Quick question: I'm looking for a inexpensive 24-track analog mixer (please don't say Behringer , phonic, samson or anything else in that department). I have a 32-track Soundcraft Ghost in my "project studio," but I'd like another mixer for my home studio. I'm going to use it mainly to mix...all the recording will be done with rack gear that I already own.

M-Audio 2496 Behringer mixer Behringer 3021a

I've just put together some recording equipment and was wondering a little about this. The M-Audio 2496 soundcard has RCA jacks, should I run rca cables from those jacks to the tape in on my Behringer mixer or should I user converters to go from rca to line inputs or XLR or something like that? I'm running from the mixer to the 3021a's. thanks for any help.