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Newbie questions and the return of Bob Moog

I'm just starting to dip my feet in the waters of MIDI sound modules and I wanted to know people's opinions on what is hot and what is not in the world of modules. We have a Yamaha SY-99 connected to a Roland JV1080 at our school and it's pretty sweet...but I want to know what else is out there, good and why.

Newbie question: what is the big deal with outboard prea

Hello all,

Like most here I'd assume, I'm your average bedroom engineer/producer. You know - the one with the massive DAW station, that thinks he's one plugin away from the sound of the big boys, and is only a few more late nights away from releasing the next_big_thing despite the fact that he's got precious little time to hone his craft...

newbie mastering question


O.K., I kinda have the hang of mixing (at leat I understand the principles of it) and I get pretty decent mixes. But now I need to learn how do mastering, but other than making my CDs louder and having that punch that commercial CDs have, I'm not even sure what I should be really be looking for, what I should be useing, the whole thing. Is there any online tutorials I should check out?


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