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Saffire Pro 26 - Mac Recording Software Options

Hello, first post here.

I recently purchased the saffire pro 26 (love it) and am using it on my PC recording with Sonar 6. However, I am looking to make my setup mobile by purchasing a MacBook. I currently have a 4 space rack with a power conditioner-Saffire-and a 2U drawer. I have never in my 27 years used a Mac and know absolutely nothing about them especially mac software.

using ddrum triggers with a software inst.

hey everyone. I was just wondering if it would be possible for me to get the ddrum triggers and use them with my garage band virtual software drums that come with the program so that i could just play the drums on my acoustic set rather then type or keyboard them in. Is this possible. As well as with any software such as drums from hell and bfd, etc.

Newbie (yet not newbie): hardware/software compatibility

:? Hello to all. My name is Rob, I'm new to this board, and have a question concerning hardware/ software compatibility. From the posts on this board, I sense a high level of expertise...and hardware /software knowledge. I am a long time recording artist/guitarist/bassist/vocalist/mixer/producer who has never really stepped up to true multi track recording.

Hammerfall via ADAT software

I had an ADAT PCI card that I was unable to ever get working properly. Guess that's why Alesis doesn't offer any support on it. I recently purchased a Hammerfall Digi9652 card with the ADAT ins and outs with ADAT sync. What software can I use for importing tracks from ADAT into the PCI for editing, and sending back to the ADAT in sync with the tape timecode?

sampling software?

any good sampling software to remove parts of songs like synth or vocals. I would like to start producing some remixes. So how would I go by doing this the cheapest way with software? BTW what is the legal part to this if I want to remix his/her song and send it as demo to companies, radio stations etc.? Do I have to contact the artist personally? How would I go about doing this?