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Best Pitch Correction Software

What is, in your opinion, the highest quality pitch correction software out there. I am not looking for real-time pitch correction or anything fancy; what I want is the highest quality of pitch correction, don't care how much CPU it uses, how long it takes, whether its stand alone or stand in the corner on one leg.

Thanks everyone.

software compressor kill the need for "colored" mics/preamps


I'm looking for a mic and a preamp for home studio recordings.

I reckon that if I buy a nice clean mic (Neumann TLM 103) and a nice clean preamp (Apogee Mini-Me), I'll do whatever tone coloring I need with a high class software compressor (for example UAD, Voxengo Marquis, etc).

So, no need for "colored" mics and/or preamps.

What do you think about this?

Software instruments or keyboard?

I am putting together a home studio for myself and wondering what the pros and cons are of the two options. My concern is latency when I'm tracking. I am only looking for basicallytraditional type sounds(pianos,bass,percussion). The keyboard I have now has pretty weak piano samples(Korg n264). If I go the software route, I will use it as a controller.