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The reason i ask is because i am told in the manual that you can control Cubase SX3 .
But the problem lies in... my new Cubase version (4.5) if it can happen
baby please let me in on it.

Senior FEDUP


apstrong Sat, 02/21/2009 - 00:52

It can be done. I have a M-Audio Prosomethingorother 88 and I set it up so that the transport buttons on the keyboard would activate cubase. It's probably the same procedure for all the faders and knobs and things, but you know, I did that over a year ago and haven't messed with it since. I honestly don't remember how I did it. Not a midi guy usually, but since I had the keyboard, I figured I should set it up once, so I found some instructions on the web somewhere. Sorry I can't be more help, but at least you know it's possible :) Try posting over at, one of those midi-geniuses ought to know. Failing that, google til you're blue in the facel, that's what I did.


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