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Hi, I've been to guitar center recently and had a chance to listen to krk rp8 and Yamaha NS80m I liked Yamahas more, but I think both of them are so LOUD for my small room (9x9x8), so I was thinking may be it will be better just to get something like ns50m, or krk rp5, and than add sub to them if I move to another room. I now about the dimensions in the room mods etc, I will not be able to use any other room in the house. I can really check how they will sound in my room with out buying them..


rockstardave Wed, 12/05/2007 - 07:34

you must mean HS80m and HS50m.

well... if it's too "Loud" then just turn down the volume...

if you said you like the sound of the hs80m, then why would you get the hs50m? get the one you like!

if you cant afford the hs80m that's a different story.

i've purchased 2 pairs of HS80ms about a year ago, i'll be buying another pair again soon... i love those!