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I made a recording of a vocalist and guitar but after the recording played it back and found that there was too much guitar and not enough vocals in the mix. Is there any way of splitting up the sound with wavelab 5 or anyother program so as it can be remixed, bearing in mind I only have one WAVE file.



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FifthCircle Sat, 04/16/2005 - 09:10

Probably the easiest way to start is to put your sound through a M-S encoding plugin (If I remember correctly, WL comes with one- waves also has one). That will break your signal out in to seperate midlle and side audio. Raise the middle without touching the sides... Then encode with the plugin again and you are back to the L-R signal.

Sorry I can't give better answers on how to do this- I usually use Sequoia and haven't used WL since version 3.


FifthCircle Sat, 04/16/2005 - 09:32

In Sequoia (or Samplitude) it is easy... Copy the audio on to a second track (control-shift click and drag), then go into the pan dialog (right click on the pan knob in the mixer). There are presets for make middle from stereo and make sides from stereo. Basically, you are using the width knob and making one mono and the other expanded all the way and then lowering the level by 6.02 dB. Then you can raise or lower the level of objects, add comps, eq's or whatever on a middle versus a side. The output of your stereo bus is your stereo signal. You can avoid plugins and fancy matrixing with this program because of the way they set things up.



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