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Ever wondered how to remove guitar finger noise including analog or digital distortion in a solo track without effecting the rest of the background performance? The Visual Spectral Cleaner in Samplitude is amazing!


audiokid Mon, 01/16/2012 - 12:31

John, does the Spectral analyser in Audition do it the same way as Sequoia? Like 3D in a way. Select the area where the background noise is, grab the colour it represents and remove only that sound leaving the rest of the audio spectrum un scathed?
I'm blown away being able to do this while mixing and editing.

TheJackAttack Mon, 01/16/2012 - 12:43

Yes. There are several tools to grab the offending transient, paintbrush tool lasso tool etc. Then you can either auto heal or perform a specific process on that spot. The Audition version is based on the Izotope RX suite though I think the branded Izotope RX is more complete. I think Joe Hannigan uses [=""]renNOVAtor[/]="http://www.algorith…"]renNOVAtor[/] or Spectral Cleaner or both. Magix has it's own sweet which may be built into Samp/Seq. [[url=http://="http://www.stillwel…"]This[/]="http://www.stillwel…"]This[/] is another option, too.