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Hey, first post here.

Im trying to find a program or vst plugin that allows me to have a computer robot voice singing.

No i dont mean an effect. or an autotune.

I want a computer voice to do all the singing.

anyone know of anything?

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anonymous Wed, 01/07/2009 - 12:15

Maybe a "vocador" is different, but am going to assume you ment a vocoder. Vocoders do not synthesize a voice as the OP is asking, they combine a voice with a melodic instrument to create a robotic sound. [=""]See wikipedia.[/]="http://en.wikipedia…"]See wikipedia.[/]

Fruity Loops does have a "Speech Synthesizer" that does what you are asking. The way to create pitches is a little weird. Happy Birth Day would be: Happy(-1) Birth(1) Day(-1)

There is a shareware program called [[url=http://="http://www.myriad-o…"]Melody Assistant[/]="http://www.myriad-o…"]Melody Assistant[/] that does what you are asking. Nice program for scoring as well.

anonymous Mon, 10/26/2009 - 13:22

virtual voice

myriad has a virtual voice. you can try it free using melody assistant or harmony assisstant demo mode, but it is really cheap to buy, I did with melody assisstant only 50usd for voice and prog as oppossed to 300usd for yamaha's vocaloid. uses midi files. just type in vocals, some midi files have vocals allready