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Yamaha MC2404 to record to various tape decks

Hi, new here. Question about recording. I am all analog. Using a Yamaha MC2404 as my main console with various inputs. Live mics for my daughters band, various tape decks and turntable for music input. I want to connect this mixer to another one to use as a recording console. I have a Yamaha MC802 Fostex 450 and a Behringer SL2442FX and want to record to various tape decks and CD.

Synchronizing Tascam HS-P82 with SD Mixpre-6 during recording


Is there anyway I could synchronize Tascam HS-P82 with Sound Devices Mixpre-6 during recording, so that the audio tracks would be in sync for mixing.

I have never worked with syncing, so my question may be naive, but maybe somebody has some actual experience and could share his/her knowledge.

Thanks anyway...