Mastering - guidance needed
Hello, I've been recording for a couple of years, basically just teaching myself as I go along, adding better microphones to my arsenal, and upgrading my mixer to a Yamaha AW-16G.
I have only been mixing through headphones (I'm going to buy decent monitors), and have only used the mastering presets on my digital mixer.
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the Yin and Yang of EQing
It is often talked about the Yin and Yang of EQing (eg. Bob Katz in his book): Boosting a frequency has the same effect as attenuating another frequency in another range.
Is there a relation between Yin and Yang frequencies that could be expressed in musical intervalls like boosting a frequency gives a similar result as attenuating for example one octave above or below?
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A sub to use with MSP5's
This is að C/P from the budget gear section, since I won't get any answears there..
I'm looking for a good sub to use with Yamaha MSP5's. I wan't some really accurate, someone usable for mastering (although my room ain't jet).
I'll have to confess I don't have a clue what to look for in subs... I've only been looking at monitors until now.
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Lessons Learned: Updated Cowboy Master
Here is my updated master which I hope incorporates all the lessons I learned from http://recording.or…"]this discussion ("Is the Price of Mastering Really Worth It? pt.
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Pre/Post Masking, its effect on a Limiter in a master chain
I've been learning about pre-masking and post-masking lately, and I can't figure out how these pyschoacoustic phenominon affect limiting in the mastering chain.
Remove clipping distortion through phase cancelling?
I just tried this crazy experiment, and I need help understanding the results.
Here's what I did:
1. I turned up the final output volume in my mastering chain so loud that it created very noticable digital clipping in the loud sections of the song. I exported this song.
2. I then exported a quieter version with no digital clipping.
I have a project where the titles of the tracks need to show up on a CD player. How can this be done. Which program? I have waveburner, can this do it? Please help.
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Field Trip...
Hey all -
Nothing to write home about for some of you, I'm sure, but I'm heading off to Airshow Mastering today to get a track of one of my clients mastered. I'm gonna sit in on this one just for the shear sake of learning and watching.
I'm so excited, I can't hardly contain it!
(I know, I have issues...)
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RIAA Curve
Currently doing a few vinyl transfers for an archival project through a flat preamp... On some of the recordings, I'll need to apply the RIAA curve, but I've had a bit of a difficult time finding exact numbers for it. I know on playback it involves a pretty substantial bass boost and a high cut, but I don't know much else...
Thanks in advance...
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multi session CD
Hello, i've searched this forum for infomation on creating an enhanced CD, but haven't really found much... maybe i'm not looking in the right place though...
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