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Dedicated CD-R Audio Drive ?


This is probably a Non-Issue, but it has crossed my mind a few times.

Does anyone use a dedicated CD-R Audio Drive, for burning Masters, that's NOT a DVD-R drive ? My instincts tell me that a drive & laser that's optimized for CD-R, not DVD-R would be better. Is this just "old school" stubbornness & superstition? ... as usual, guilty as charged !

DVD+R Double Layer backups ?


We recently started using DVD+R Double Layer discs for data backups with the PLEXTOR 716 DVD burner. Like the convenience of the 8.5 GB capacity, esp for large surround sound sessions. Both VerbatI'm and Memorex discs seem to work fine.

Using Toast... verifies fine... mounts fine on a Mac G4 . Basically using procedure to backup Pro Tools sessions and CD & DVD images.