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does software really make a difference

Im not sure if any of you have heard about Magix studio deluxe or the who Magix line up, but I'm Shure you've heard of Sonar 3...
anyway I was wondering if anyone could tell me how is it, that when I record on Sonar 3 the recording sounds better than when I record on Magix? I always that softwares really didn't matter. .note these recordings are dry, no plugins or effects added.

24/48 to 16/44.1 does it improve CD?

I recorded several songs using 24/48.
When I went to burn the CD, the burn app Nero did not recognize the files. I had to convert them to 16/44.1 first. So does it make a difference in the audio of the final CD tracks to record at the higher rates when its then converted back to 16/44.1? Maybe its not worth getting a fancy audio interface after all?
thanks for any tips

2 NTKs into a UA 2-610...too much tube?

I'm at the decision point for either picking up a pair of decent small or medium diaphram condensers (probably Gefell M 300) and a preamp like the UA 2-610. or
A second NTK large diaphram mic and a good solid state preamp (suggestions?).
Or,...Is it conceivable that I can get a good sound out of the NTKs into the 2-610? I've heard cautions about going tube into tube.

Pro Tools LE and Hyperthreading?


I'm having to install Pro Tools LE (6.4 with MBox) on my DAW PC but Digidesign state that you must disable Hyperthreading in the BIOS before proceeding.

Now forgive me if I have got this wrong but, as I understand it, you cannot simply disable HT in the BIOS with Windows XP as the OS is set to use HT (or Multiprocessor) or not at installation.