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A small amount of noise?

Hi, this may seem a silly question. Both what is an 'acceptable" noisefloor? Basically, I'm thinking about recording the final tracks for my CD - the vocals and acoustic guitar parts - at home on some very good gear. I treated the room with high-density fibre-glass panels, including a few that are 4 ply for the low frequency stuff.

should a producer/songwriter sign the artist?

The story is simple( taking place in Milano, Italy): I wrote a song, found a singer, and now I am finishing the production (electro-pop, all played by me). Now the question is what to do next. let me just note that I have a good feeling about this one. It might work... So, should I make the singer sign something? and should I look for a publisher, or go directly to a record company?

MAudio Delta 1010 or Terratec Phase 88.Ill trie here instead

The search-thingie seems to be out of order so i hope I'm not repeating anything. Anyways.

I trie to deside what A/D D/A converter to buy.

The Terratec Phase 88 seems more atractive than the M-audio converter, and it has two mic preamp-amps in it to. But the M-Audio converter is Pro Tools compatible!

drum trigger recording

I was wanting to know about recording drum triggers.Our drummer uses them live and wants to use them for recording,he uses an Alesis DM5 unit triggered by Roland acoustic drum triggers.My problem is i dont kno what to record?Should i record the MIDI or the audio coming off the DM5.I am told that if i use the MIDI i can replace the little parts like triplets that sometimes dont trigger correctly