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Tascam fw-1884 and Cubase or Pro Tools

I need some advice for what to buy everyone says go with Pro Tools but Pro Tools le only has 32 tracks at 48khz and Cubase le has 48 tracks at 96khz and it dosent cost 10,000 dollars to upgrade it to a better program like Pro Tools does. And with Cubase i can get the fw-1884, have 8 mic preamps and a control surface for the same price as the digi 002 rack.

Studio Projects C1 / C3

In researching these mics I came across several reviews claiming a marked similarity in tone with the U87. Being the consumate cynic and devil's advocate I put it those of you fortunate enough to have used both. How much truth is in such a claI'm and how much BS. I doubt they are good mics. They get good word of mouth here to be sure. The question is aimed at what to expect if I go this route.

EQing acoustic guitar for power chords

I'm recording a guy who plays acoustic guitar and sings along. He's using an Ibanez PF5ecent acoustic electric that is plugged straight into my E-MU 1820m. Open chords sound fine and extremely round and perfect. When he plays power chords all I can hear is the god awful fret buzz. How should I tackle this problem, we can rerecord if need be.