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Live board or recording console?

Anybody know what the difference in a live board verses a recording console is?
Like for instance Mackie boards are marketed as that they are live and for recording use. And then the Midas series boards are called live boards?
Is it just that one company designs something and then after proving themselves in the market place that it becomes one or the other?

Electro-Voice RE11,what's it good for? B1 overhead? 58vs57?

this is a mic from the 70s...looks nearly identical to the RE16, but slightly squared off on the top of the grille. I inherited one of these my minimal testing I've found it sounds great on guitar amp for an aggressive, focused syd barrett type sound. wasn't thrilled on voice.

does anybody love these for certain applications? like would it sound good on a snare drum?

Learning MIDI: SR-16 to Tascam 2488

Any help from someone experienced with MIDI would be appreciated! I've got an Alesis SR16 and a Tascam 2488. I'm just learning about MIDI and I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to spread the drum kit to different channels on the Tascam for recording. The stereo outputs to 2 tracks is easy, but I'd like to be able to manipulate kick, snare, etc separately during mixdown.

Ampex mm1100 playback levels

I just picked up a 2'' Ampex mm1100 and am curious if I'm recording music (after aligning the maching) at 0 vu and I've set the machine up for +6 at 0 vu (if that makes sense), should the playback be the same level or lower? When I play back the music from the machine, the vu meters seem a lot lower (maybe it's -6 vu lower) and the audio coming out is a lot lower. Any advice?

Tascam US-122 interface trouble

My us-122 is all messed up right now. It started with the left side just not working one day and i haven't been able to figure out how to fix it or where to fix it. Now on top of that everytime i plug my condenser into the right side and turn the phantom power on it makes a fuzzy hum noise that is like -5 db. really bad!


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