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More preamp questions. sorry guys!

I hate to beat a dead horse because I've read almost every post tackling this subject, but I need some personalized help.

I'm using a Tascam FW1884 and tracking to hard drive using Cubase SX 2.0. I'm using the on board pre's and here is my mic list:

1-Shure Beta52a
4-Shure SM57
2-Okatava 012
1-Oktava MK-319

Compressor purchase

I am currently looking to purchase a stereo compressor/limiter. So far, the short list is for the AMEK 9098DCL, Avalon AD2044, and Manley Vari-Mu. I am primarily working with rock, acoustic, country and light jazz genres. Please let me know your thoughts and experiences with any or all of these, as I am in need of making a decision soon. Thanks very much for your help.


As of July 2004 AMEK and Mr. Rupert Neve partnership ends

I found this info on the AMEK webpage, Just in case you guys were interested.

After 15 years of a mutually beneficial and fruitful relationship, the Consultancy Agreement between AMEK and Mr. Rupert Neve has come to an end. AMEK is one of the group of Harman brands that is managed from the Potters Bar headquarters in the UK.

Phase Question - Connecting patchbayto inputs of console

I have decided to use a patchbay to connect the wall jacks to the back on the console. I have ADC patchbay with punchdown's in the back. My question is will I reverse the + and - on the patchbay when I wire it up ? There is a phase button on each channel. The mixer ( Tac Scorpion )shows the XLR and line inputs as being =

pin 1 - sleeve
pin 2 - -
pin 3 - +

To Kurt and others re Sebatron vmp 4000e

Hello Kurt - just wondering if you are still enamoured with the Sebatron vmp 4000e or has the Great River MP2NV (or some other within price range) surpassed it.

I'm looking for a new pre very soon and these 2 (plus Buzz MA 2.2) top the list.

Uses will be male and female vocals - bluesy to country rock to pop.
Also guitars synths and bass.