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Good 24 track mixer suggestions

I'm looking for a decent analog 24 track mixer to hook to my MOTU 24io. I'm using it in conjunction with Cubase sx to do small projects, but I'd like the ability to use all 24 tracks eventually. I've heard Tascam makes a good 24 track board (m2600, m3500, m3700?), and I know the 24 track Soundcraft Ghost is pretty nice. I wanted to try to keep it below $2000, though.

Ghost or Control 24?

I work for a blind guy's studio as his engineer. He just purchased a computer/software upgrade and we will be running MIX^3 on a G3 with lots of bells and whistles... We are currently using a Mackie 32/8 for inputs and a HUI for mixdown. We want some help deciding which direction to go from here. He wants to upgrade the board but is concerned about the realistic options.