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Minimalism in Recording - How many tracks is enough?

I've been reading some recently about people who are really dissatisfied with the number of tracks people are using nowadays. They say that the art of good mic placement and tracking is lost. Too much close Micing and too many mics. In particular, I'm thinking about drums.

Any soundcards with this I/O config?

Basically, I need a 2 in/10 out soundcard. It doesn't have to be top of the line or support more then 24/48k operation but it does have to be cheap. The m-audio delta and ones similar to it only give you 8 1/4" outs with the others being S/PDIF. I need at least 10 1/4" out on it. If it has more then 2 in, thats ok, I just don't need them. Anyone know of any soundcards that do this?