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Should I sell the U87 to buy a Mix Farm?

In a quandry... I have a Mix+ system, running on a G4/933. But even still I find myself running out of DSP on serious mixes. I want to buy a used Mix Farm, but I can't really afford it. I've used a U87ai for about seven years. But since I bought a Lawson L47 a few years ago, that has been my "go to" mic about 95% of the time. The U87 just kind of gathers dust.

Dynaudio BM6A vs BM15A

I own a pair of Mackie HR824s and after being part of that recent huge thread on the Mackies that went on forever, I've decided to sell them and buy a pair of Dynaudio's.

Does anyone have any opinions on the BM6A vs BM15A ?

I'm talking about accuracy in the low end and overall sonic quality, etc, as was discussed in the above mentioned thread.


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