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PLEASE NOTE: I still can't access this site from Opera web browser!

Tried to post this in the Open Mic Guest forum so, mods, please delete the duplicate if so needed.

I know this probably isn't the right forum for this, BUT...

When I try to load this site I get a strange IP address:


I also get the old, "Could not connect to remote server" error message.

PLEASE NOTE: I still can't access this site from Opera web browser!

When I do I get a strange IP address:

I also get the old, "Could not connect to remote server" error message.

Is there no way Mr. Webmaster can fix this so those of us who use Opera don't have to jump between browsers?

FWIW, the page loads fine in IE and Firefox.

Cheers :)

Swing in MIDI


I'm programming some drums for a song I'm working on. It has a swing beat - but how do I get MIDI to swing it with quantization?

I'm using Cubase 5. I tried the dotted and triplets and it gets sloppy, not a tight swing. And the bass drum and bass synth (MIDI) won't lock. They quantize different even with the same settings.


How to use Talk Box with software MIDI instruments ?

I was thinking about getting a Talk Box, but how would I use software MIDI instruments through the device ? I use Logic, if I had the outputs going to the Talk Box then wouldn't all the other tracks be projected through the device as well ? Is there a way to split it into different channels ?

I'm using Logic Pro 9 and M-Box Mini 2


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