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How low can you go(on the levels when recording acoustic guitar)

I am Micing an acoustic guitar with 2 condensor mics(not the greatest, but fair), using an ART Tps II 2 channel preamp, and a Korg D888. In the past I felt I have recorded with the levels too loud, not peaking, but with the gain high enough that it creates a guitar tone that is far from what I desire. I have found at lower levels the tone is more natural and warmer.

Virtual Instrument suggestions wanted

I'm interested in upgrading my virtual instruments vis a vis Acoustic Piano sounds, Drum sounds & Orchestral. Right now I'm running Apple Logic on a MacBookPro w/Apogee's Ensemble as audio interface & have the Apple jam pack instruments, ultrabeat drummer, also I have Garritan orchestra which is not very impressive sonically.

Taking my first big step in music tech, sweaty palms?LOL :p

Morning all, Dave here.I've been aquiering musical equiptment for a long time now, but it's mainly instruments and amps speakers etc, liveness being the main theme. I've done a bit of recording at home before, but it's all been via 4 tracks, card readers, a desk with 16 line,multi core and stage box and a cheap Behringer analoge interface. The computer is armed with Audacity!

What's Up Over at Behringer?

It looks like their purchase of Midas is going to benefit them quite a bit. It may benefit us as well. I don't know. I'll wait for a few guinea pigs to take the leap first but it's piqued my interest. Probably the most expensive thing I've seen from them and still incredibly cheap for what it is. It may as cheap as it is cheap. I don't know.

PLEASE NOTE: I still can't access this site from Opera web browser!

Tried to post this in the Open Mic Guest forum so, mods, please delete the duplicate if so needed.

I know this probably isn't the right forum for this, BUT...

When I try to load this site I get a strange IP address:


I also get the old, "Could not connect to remote server" error message.

PLEASE NOTE: I still can't access this site from Opera web browser!

When I do I get a strange IP address:

I also get the old, "Could not connect to remote server" error message.

Is there no way Mr. Webmaster can fix this so those of us who use Opera don't have to jump between browsers?

FWIW, the page loads fine in IE and Firefox.

Cheers :)

Power Conditioning and Sound Quality

Hey all,

Just a show of hands who thinks power conditioners can make an improvment in sound quality? givin specific circumstances one might need one to correct some power issues but i noticed people are split on this decision. Could it be becuase some have good power to begin with and dont actually see the need for it?