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What is my next upgrade?

I have a very limited setup here, so don't laugh (too hard)...

Sonar 7 software
Behrsucker Truth B2031A monitors
seasound soloist interface
behrsucker Xenyx1832FX mixer
AT2020 mic
Cheap set of Nady Drum mics, the kic mic is the only thing worth something)

for my next purchase i was thinking about either the Brick, or the Alesis 3630

How would I record with what I have?

I want to record some of my songs using only my ukulele and voice.

I am undecided on if I should track them separately or at the same time.
My musical ability would be better suited to tracking, but I would like to be able to perform them live one day so it would be good if I used this to force myself learn to play and sing at the same time.


ok. so like pretty much everyone else I'm on a budget. so unless i can find an awesome deal on an MOTU Ultralite (which is what i am hoping for) ill probobly have to go with something else. I'm trying not to go for a firebox because there's just not enough gain.
does anyone have any recommendations for a good interface in the same price range as a firebox.